
Weekly Relay Recap #44 ️

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POKT Network
Nov 20, 2023
Weekly Relay Recap #44 ️

Over the last week (10/28 to 11/03), the Pocket Network protocol has successfully relayed over 1.024B application requests and settled at 8,816 nodes.

Weekly Relay Recap & Analysis 👋

Whereas 100M+ relay days may have seemed ‘rare’ upon first hitting them, the Pocket Network now seems to have made it a standard. Throughout the past 10 days, every single day counted over 100M successful relays. This is massive growth, which goes tied with a growing number of active validator nodes on the network. Now close to 9,000. The below chart perfectly reflects the growth across the past 90 days.

The network counted more than 2X the relays processed last week. Over 1 BILLION relays were processed in a SINGLE week! The below table now also shows this past four week period, where over 2B relays were processed.

The pie chart below shows the distribution of all POKT (rewards) minted this past week.

Harmony was recently added as a supported blockchain to the Pocket Network. Right after being added, Harmony immediately took the #1 spot in the leaderboard of most relays per blockchain. Followed by FUSE and Ethereum.

* Purple: Harmony, Red: Ethereum Network, Dark yellow: FUSE, Light yellow: Polygon.



Following our integration with Harmony, the token swap of POKT tokens for ONE tokens passed recently as well, which you can see here.There are two new proposals that need your votes, PEP-13, and PEP-14.PEP 13: POKTScan App is a proposal looking to expand the community run & defacto Pocket Network blockchain explorer to make it more feature rich through an API and webhooks for notifications in Discord, Telegram, etc.To cast your vote and approve additional funding, check out the proposal here.PEP 14: Gigachad Pocket Portal Free Tier is a proposal set forth to help more efficiently allocated POKT staked via the Pocket Network Foundation by temporarily changing the BaseRelaysPerPOKT parameter to allow for a more favorable rate. For more details and to voice your opinion, view the full proposal here.


We hit another daily ATH relay of 204, following our 170M milestone achieved during our offsite in Mexico City!

Another @POKTnetwork ATH...LFG! 🚀🚀

— Adam Liposky (@AdamLiposky) November 3, 2021

What can you do to drive relays and nodes to the network?

Apps and App users

If you care about privacy and decentralization, replace the default network provider in your MetaMask wallet with actual decentralized node infrastructure by adding a Pocket-powered RPC endpoints for Ethereum, Avalanche, xDAI, Fuse, and/or Polygon through the custom rpc settings!Try out any of these other apps listed in the Conscious Dappitalism page within our new docs .You can also earn a skill-role in our Discord community server for dogfooding any of those applications by completing a quest within the POKT arcade.


Don’t know how to run a node? Check out the Node Runner docs above to learn how.Try out Node Pilot, it’s the most user-friendly option to spin up both base layer blockchain nodes and Pocket nodes.If you run into any issues,  a community of node runners (and our support team) would be happy to help. If you’d prefer to not run a node yourself, check out the forum for a list of node providers offering their services to people interested in participating in the ecosystem.

How to purchase POKT to stake?

When you are ready to take the step forward in supporting decentralized node infrastructure and earning Pocket’s native cryptocurrency for serving apps then visit any of these community-established OTCs: are the best way to buy or sell POKT; and it helps nodes cover the cost of their infrastructure. Join either private telegram channels (requires telegram) and message the admin to get started. Note that there are fees associated with the OTCs to help cover their costs and that neither Pocket Network, Inc., the Pocket DAO, nor the Pocket Foundation receives any of these fees nor any proceeds from the sale of POKT through the OTCs.

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