
Bringing Decentralized RPC Service to Sui’s New Mainnet

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Nov 15, 2023
Bringing Decentralized RPC Service to Sui’s New Mainnet

We’re excited to share that the Portal now supports Sui’s freshly launched mainnet!

With our new support, we’re bringing reliable, high-performing RPC service to Sui’s new mainnet, and strengthening Portal and Pocket Network's presence in the gaming and entertainment sector, opening doors to new ecosystems, dApps, and developer communities.

Get your Sui RPC endpoint now

Why we're excited about Sui

Sui is a layer-1 proof-of-stake blockchain focused on gaming and entertainment. Developed by Mysten Labs (founded by ex-employees of Meta's Project Libra), Sui is backed by the likes of Circle, Binance Labs, Electric Capital, and more.

Sui is focused on delivering a better user experience through scalability and low latency, in part by bringing parallel transaction submission and execution. This allows for vastly more transactions per second than other chains, and makes Sui an ideal choice for gaming and entertainment applications especially. The team behind Sui has ambitious plans to onboard many large game studios onto the network, meaning all the more need for the reliable RPC service that Portal can provide.

By supporting Sui, Portal can forge stronger connections to an expanding ecosystem of gaming and entertainment dApps, including DeFi, domain services, GameFi, NFTs, bridges, and more. We’re excited about the potential of our support acting as a way to grow Portal and Pocket Network’s exposure and reach, attracting more developers and users to our decentralized RPC service - all while providing Sui developers and end users with a reliable solution that they can count on.

With support coming at this stage, Portal will play a part in helping Sui scale relays effectively right from the beginning of their mainnet launch. With Portal’s RPC service connecting to Pocket Network’s decentralized protocol, the chain can accommodate the high transaction throughput typical of gaming and entertainment apps. 

Plus, Sui's team are big advocates for decentralization, especially in terms of utilizing nodes that can operate on small hardware requirements while processing many transactions. Decentralized RPC service aligns well with their vision, making Portal an ideal solution that their ecosystem can rely on.

Here’s how to get started with a private Sui endpoint of your own 👇

Mint Your Own Decentralized Sui RPC Endpoint

Getting set up with your own private endpoint is easy. Just head over to the Portal and:

🟢 Sign up for an account

🟢 Create a new application

🟢 Use our Always Free tier to test the waters with free daily relays

🟢 Add your own private endpoints for Sui or any of Pocket’s dozens of supported chains

🟢 Let the data relays begin!

You’re now set up with decentralized and reliable infrastructure to power your project – and the whole process just takes a couple of minutes, so you can focus on shipping.

Mint a Sui Endpoint in the Portal Now

Check Out the Quickstart Guide on Building with Pocket

Now that you’ve got your own endpoint, it’s time to put it to use.

Your Portal URL is designed to work directly in the popular frameworks and libraries that you’ll need to interact with. Our Quickstart Guide for building with Pocket will get you rolling.

🟢Build an interface to applications. See how to use your Pocket endpoint with popular libraries.

🟢Access live chains in your development environment. Learn how to leverage your endpoint in different smart contract environments.

🟢Access blockchain data directly. Learn how to use your Pocket endpoint to interact with underlying blockchain APIs directly in your browser.

View the Quickstart Guide Now

Use the Pocket API Docs to Level Up

You’ve got your Sui RPC endpoint…you’ve got the crash course…now it’s time to really dig in.

The Pocket API Docs break down all the different requests you can make using your endpoint, and give interactive samples of proper requests and successful responses.

Plus, the Pocket API Docs bring a couple more handy extra functionalities:

🟢Choose between nearly 20 different languages to see request samples in, from JavaScript and Python to Ruby and Swift, and everything in between.

🟢Send API requests directly through the browser, using your Portal ID

View the Pocket API Docs Now

Meet the Community and Ask Away

Once you’ve got yourself acquainted make sure to hop in our Discord, ask any questions you may have, and listen in on our regular community calls.

The Portal community is full of helpful builders that will help you make the most of decentralized infrastructure.

We're thrilled to see the support for Sui go live in the Portal, and for the benefits that decentralized RPC service will continue to bring for the chain’s ecosystem!

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